sâmbătă, 15 ianuarie 2011

The hitchhiking rocker's guide to the rock concerts' galaxy

Kind of like last year, 2011 promises to be a pretty full year, in terms of concerts. Rock/ metal concerts, because that is what I am most interested in. After seeing, last year, among others, Kamelot, Serj Tankian, Manowar and Sabaton (concerts I've had most fun at), I did not really expect to have any big surprises this year, but so far, I've had quite a few.

Impaled Nazarene will be here on the 1st of february, but since I'm not a fan of their music I won't probably go to the concert, despite some of my friends doing it. Their genre rarely appeals to my tastes and this is not one of those rare times, so I'll probably pass.

Theatre des Vampires are having a concert on the 19th of march and so far, I'm pretty tempted to go, although the band isn't really one of my favorites, but I kind of like the whole atmosphere, plus the company I'd have if joining. Also, I must admit, they're cheap enough not to really care if I won't have that much fun.

10 days later, there's Epica. I must say now, Epica was far from being one of my favourite bands for a long time, just like Kamelot (whom I've hated passionately until the Artmania concert last year and loved ever since). However, I have to admit that Simone Simons is both a talented and charismatic front-woman, and lately I've grown to like quite a few of their songs. I already got the ticket for Epica, anyways, so wish me luck.

Children of Bodom are here, the 20th of april (with Ensiferum) but I'm not sure if time will allow me to see them since that's about the same time as my exam session. Meh.

Blind Guardian, the 1st of May and this time no one's stopping me. Having seen the Germans before, I must tell I'm really looking forward for another gig. Hansi Kursch is one damn talented vocalist (on about the same level as Roy Khan, I'd say, minus the hotness, though), and for a couple of hours I'll be back in Middle Earth through their music. Once again, I'll scream my lungs off to Nightfall or discretely wipe a tear during The Bard's Song (In the Forest).

I've also bought the ticket for the Artmania festival this year, although only Nevermore and Lacrimas Profundere have been announced so far (and Sonata Arctica are rumored but shh, you don't know it from me). Nevermore would have been a good enough reason anyways, plus the whole Sibiu adventure I can't wait to repeat, together with my friends.

Bon Jovi's also coming to town, but I don't plan anything. First of all, for only a couple of songs I love from them (Blazing Glory, Living on a Prayer), they're gonna be insanely expensive. So no thanks, unless someone buys me tickets. Anybody? ;;).

Also, as a rumor, I've heard from about 4 sources, plus what they've said themselves, that Manowar are returning, which I'd really love, despite seeing them for two years in a row now and passionately hating their new album. I have to give it to them, they do put on a huge show.

That's all for now. Anyone want to join?

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