luni, 24 mai 2010

If books were boyfriends

J.R.R. Tolkien’s books- Love of my life.

Neil Gaiman’s books - the incredibly hot rocker I’ve been returning to every 3 months for a couple of steamy nights.

Stephen King’s “Dark Tower” series- the hottie I have started fucking lately and try not to fall in love with.

Stephen King’s horror books- the hottie with a gory twist.

J.K Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series- the guy sex used to be amazing to have with, but kinda disappointed me lately.

Marion Zimmer Bradley’ s “The Mists of Avalon”- the hot medievalist lady professor I’ve recently been obsessing with.

Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road”- the elderly gentleman I admire and respect because of the tough life he’s had.

Angela Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber”- the hot folklore lady professor I’ve been obsessing with for quite some time.

Anne Rice’s “The Vampire Chronicles”- the guy I loved in high-school and thought I’d spend my lifetime with.

Anne Rice’s “The New Vampire Chronicles”- the guy I loved in high-school, broke up with, saw again after some years and fucked out of pity.

George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Fire and Ice” series- the guy who likes me and thinks he could replace the love of my life.

Stephenie Meyer’s “Twilight” series – the stupid guy I’ve been making fun of (but who is terribly successful with teenagers).

Nicholas Sparks’ books (pick any, they’re completely the same) – the guy who’s pretending to be sensitive to seduce stupid girls.

Dostoievsky’s books- the extremely smart guy I’ll never be able to have but will always love and admire.

Christopher Priest’s “The Prestige”- the steampunkish geek guy I had a big crush on.

Astrid Lindgren’s “Brothers Lionheart”- my playground love (who is now one of the friends I turn to when I need a smile).

Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” - my high-school boyfriend’s dad (whom I found incredibly hot).

Andrew Davidson’s “The Gargoyle” – The guy I had heard a lot of good things about, thought they were bullshit, but had the most pleasant surprise of my life when actually meeting him.

Richard Russo’s “Empire Falls”- the guy I made love to once, had the time of my life, but never did it again for fear of not being disappointed.

Phillip. K. Dick’s books – the junkie with a very interesting and cynical view on life I enjoy talking to.

Chuck Palahniuk’s “Fight Club”- the muscle-man that has a lot more to him than reaches the eye.

Ursula K. LeGuin’s “The Left Hand of Darkness”-the bisexual guy who is very nice to talk to and pleasant to go out with every now and then.

Umberto Eco’s “The Name of the Rose” – the guy whose charm I could not understand as a teenager but whom I adore now.

Salman Rushide’s “The Satanic Verses” – the guy you either love or hate. I love him with all my heart.

Hunter S. Thompson’s “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”- the junkie who pisses off the hell out of me (and whom for some weird reason everybody likes).

Frank Herbert’s “Dune”- the guy whom I once adored and still is very dear to me.

Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone with the Wind”- the perfect gentleman.

duminică, 23 mai 2010


Dracusoru aici de fata a avut o saptamana foarte proasta, inceputa cu o veste cumplita (si anume ca Dio nu mai e), continuata cu o cearta cu un om pentru care pana mai ieri mi-as fi dat si sufletul, si dominata per total de o raceala scarboasa de tot.

Astazi insa, ziua dracusorului s-a hotarat sa contrasteze cu celelalte, si sa fie una frumoasa. da' frumoasa rau de tot.
A inceput bine datorita vizitei unei prietene, cu care am stat la taclale si am barfit pana ni s-au lungit urechile.
Apoi a urmat pisoiul alb dintre masini. Apoi magazinul unde am gasit jeleuri precum cele din copilarie (si sper ca nu datau de atunci..), cu doamna vanzatoare care era foarte draguta. Am descoperit una dintre cele mai frumoase zone ale Bucurestiului. M-am distrat la air hockey (desi am luat bataie pe cinste). A fost tipul cu tricou cu Manowar care mi-a zambit, gave me horns (adica asta\m/, perversilor!) si mi-a strigat Hail! (si eu si omu' cu care eram aveam tricouri cu Manowar).Apoi, soarele care a lucit toata ziua. Apoi, pustiul de la supermarket, care se uita cu o ochi mari la mine (i-am scos limba si a facut la fel). A urmat golden retriever-ul care m-a lins voios pe nas.

Dar, mai ales, dupa toate, e omul care, la fel ca in majoritatea zilelor, mi-a inveselit-o si pe asta. E omul langa care invat, zi de zi, sa traiesc. E cel mai bun prieten al meu si cel mai drag totodata.
Azi te iubesc, lume!