joi, 24 februarie 2011

Tatuaje nerezistente la apa

Stiti ce e foarte, foarte naspa? Cand observi ca desenele pe care i le-ai facut, din plictiseala, pe gat unui coleg luni, (muhaha), sunt inca acolo. Si e joi.

On History (short intermezzo)

I was telling you earlier on, the story of me and the lady who thought history should be kept a secret .
Here's something I found in regard to that:

" The one who does not remember history is bound to live through it again"
George Santayana

If not anything else, it's written on a monument at Auschwitz.

duminică, 20 februarie 2011

Nu aruncati cu pietre in sol...

Punct. (fara de la capat, ca imi place sa cred ca o propozitie simpla - inclusiv gramatical vorbind - e usor de procesat)

Legat de comentarii, atata timp cat acestea se vor dovedi a fi injurii la adresa unor persoane din anturajul meu, nu le voi aproba. Ar fi un pic anormal sa fiu eu cea care da "accept" la un fragment ce denigreaza pe altcineva, sau care distruge imaginea (fie ea si virtuala) a unei persoane.

De data asta, niciun "apasa-l, apasa-l, apasa-l... apaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaa-l"

joi, 10 februarie 2011

Canibalismul inca se mai practica in Romania

Cineva, nu demult mi-a spus "numai tie ti se intampla toate". Da, complet de acord. Numai ca daca mai e cineva in lumea asta si mai predispus la chestii de genul decat mine e tata. Tata caruia, de altfel ii datorez o buna parte din doza de sarcasm si aciditate cu care ma afisez de obicei. Sa vedeti ce mi-a povestit seniorul mai zilele trecute, desi intamplarea o are ca protagonist pe mamica de dracusor.

Respectiva mamica a fost rugata de o colega sa-i faca niste mici cumparaturi in cazul in care ajunge prin Kaufland (care e 'in partea noastra de oras', lol, de parca nu s-au inventat autobuze). Si nah, printre respectivele chestii de cumparat, a vrut madam si vegeta (ca-i sanatoasa rau, lol). La intrebarea, oarecum logica, "De care?", mama a primit un raspuns pe cat de naucitor, pe atat de grav. "De-aia cu cap de om."


Va-nchipuiti reactia mamei, reactie pe care am impartasit-o si eu de altfel in momentul relatarii. Va puteti probabil imagina ce fel de ganduri iti trec prin cap in asemenea momente, de la "alo, Spitalul 9?" pana la "Da' eu ce mizda pa-sii am mancat toata viata?!?". Groaza, panica, idei dubioase. Pana la urma, totusi, ideea salvatoare a venit. Solutia? una foarte simpla.




E vegeta aia cu un bucatar pe ambalaj.



Ok now, fangirl moment.

Earlier today I got a phone call from a good friend of mine (Hi Miha!), and by the happy tone I could tell some good news were to come. Just how good, though, I had no idea.
Nightwish had announced, for some time now, they're going to launch a new album. The idea itself was exciting enough, not to mention the fact that Tuomas had said that the whole thing was Gaiman, Burton and Dali inspired. Hold that thought -woooooooooot!-. So. With these in mind, Nightwish-freak me was happy enough.

What I found out today, however, made me LOTS happier. Nightwish aren't only planning an album. They're planning a film. Holy f*ckin' macaroni. There's not much I can say, anyways, since I'm still in the "Weeee(...)" phase.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you....

vineri, 4 februarie 2011

The hitchhiking rocker's guide to the rock concerts' galaxy (Part 2)

As I was saying earlier on, Sonata Arctica have been confirmed for Artmania (13th of august one year to the day to the Kamelot gig), while Lake of Tears are having a concert of their own on the 25th of june (exactly one year after the Manowar concert in 2010).

But yeah, more things were to come my way, God save my wallet.
Whitesnake. Judas Priest. 3rd of July, Romexpo. Holy f**king macaroni, Judas AND Whitesnake. Goddamn. I'm extatic.

Also, a band I've been really wanting to see and missed twice last year are the wonderful Haggard. Who, miraculously enough are coming back to Romania, the 8th of may (I hope I still have a voice, mind you, it's only one week after the Blind Guardian concert).

I'm also considering the Magica (13th of march) and Negura Bunget (3rd of march) concerts. I'll see if I can still afford them.

Until next time (because I have a feeling there's more to come), hail and kill!