marți, 27 octombrie 2009

The tempest

Se-apropie furtuna. N-o simti? Se simte in aer, in fiecare portie pe care o tragi in plamani, si care e mai rece si mai taioasa decat cea dinainte. Se simte in cerul mohorat, gri, intunecat, inchis. Inchis atat de bine ca nicio raza de soare nu poate trece de el. Parca Pamantul ar fi o inima care-a suferit prea mult, si care si-a facut un zid de jur imprejur, astfel incat nicio picatura de dragoste sa nu mai patrunda in ea.

Vantul sufla rece, suiera pe strazi la fel de pustii ca sufletele. Atmosfera te apasa, te invaluie, te face sa te micsorezi, sa te scufunzi in tine insuti. Nu se mai aude niciun sunet, in afara de soaptele ca de sarpe ale vantului.

Se apropie furtuna. Uite, a fulgerat deja. In mitologia nordica, fulgerul e de fapt ciocanul lui Thor, zburand prin aer. Tunetul e sunetul capetelor de urias frante sub lovitura lui Mjollnir.

Tuna.. dar daca nu sunt capete de se frang... ci inimi?

luni, 26 octombrie 2009

Despre idoli.

Vi s-a intamplat vreodata sa admirati pe cineva din tot sufletul? Sa-l vedeti ca pe o persoana perfecta? Sa-l idolatrizati complet? Asa-i ca ai impresia ca persoana aia e prea sus fata de tine, ca niciodata n-o sa reusesti sa-i atragi atentia, pentru ca problemele tale-s marunte, insipide, si daca uneori nu conteaza pentru prietenii tai, de ce ar conta pentru altcineva?

In seara asta am avut un soc. Eram nervoasa (nu, nu m-am nascut asa), revoltata. Mi se intampla des in ultimul timp, pentru ca dau nas in nas cu multe specimene complet nemerituoase fata de ceea ce primesc.

Ei bine, si in seara asta, fiind din nou cu moralu' la pamant din cauza asta, mi s-a spus ca pana la urma, "on the long run", ele vor fi cele care pierd. Si asa e. Chiar asa e, pentru ca incet-incet, non-valorile nu mai sunt recunoscute, omu' pana la urma e interesat sa-i fie treaba facuta, si restul se poate rezolva usor si fara stat de plata. Nu oficial oricum.

Mi-au dat lacrimile. A fost ca o imbratisare calda. Una virtuala, dar extraordinar de alinatoare. A fost un om care n-avea de ce sa ma ajute, si m-a ajutat. Un om care acum mi-a intrat definitiv in suflet. Si nici macar n-am curajul sa-i spun asta...

duminică, 25 octombrie 2009

Metal love

Pentru ca era prea frumos sa fiu sensibila si de corazon doua posturi la rand, va arat una bucata conversatie intre Dracusoru' de fata si unul din cei mai buni prieteni ai mei. Om pe care-l ador complet. E una bucata minune de persoana. Si pentru "protejarea identitatii" el va fi numit aici de fata Lucan.

Lucan: mă f*t pe ea de viaţă
Moranna: IN ea
Lucan: in 75 min e ziua mea
Lucan: aşa că viaţa can suck my hairy,sweaty and cheesy balls
Moranna: i didn't need to know the state of your balls
Moranna: esti beat
Moranna: vorbesti ca DeMaio
Moranna: si cu toate astea stiu ca e ziua ta, si te iubesc

La Multi Ani, ba! Din tot sufletul meu de drac impielitat. And keep the same Heart of Steel you have, brother of mine!

Darkly everafter

She knew it. She had known it for some days now. She knew it from the tremble in his voice. From the way his eyes were turned to the ground all the time. From the water that never went away from them. She knew it.
As she got home, she set her bag on the table and then sat at the table, turning the stereo on. She smiled. A big, teeth-revealing smile. She started laughing and for some time she went on like that. Just as sudden, she stopped, biting her index fingers. Something perished all of a sudden inside her. The room seemed to crumble over her, walls darkening and going down on her.

The only thing that still stayed the same was the Nox Arcana song played. It gave her the impression of a music box, with the ballerina slowly rotating in the middle. It was like the song revolved around itself, but it revealed something new every second.
„Why am I laughing?” she asked herself. „Why am I so happy? Why am I so mocking?” Her lower lip started trembling as she bit it. „Why do I take joy in knowing your heart is broken? Have I come to hate you?” Nesting her head in her palms, she felt hot tears burning her eyes. The scream grew in her chest. „No! No!” she muttered between flows of tears. Again and again, she seemed to crumble from an inferno to another. „I can’t. I don’t want to.”

In the background the music seemed to cover her. Again and again, a sweet lullaby, a dancing ballerina that existed only in her mind. The same impression of a feeling that’s fading away only to return, again and again, a neverending rotation. She made up her mind. She would be there, again and again. The steps took her to the place she’d been so many times before, the place she’d lived such joyful times. She’d take his head in her palms and kiss his hair. And she’d listen. The mere memory of her remained in the room. She had gone.
And they lived darkly everafter.

sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2009

Una mica, de dimineata

Ora 5 si ceva. Bucuresti. Coafu.. aaa, ia stai. Nu. Deci. Ora 5 si ceva. Bucuresti. Dracusor treaz. Uitat pe pereti, podea, tavan, geam. Adica geamul de la bucatarie. Si ce vede dracusorul? In blocul lipit de-al nostru (dracusoru' sta foarte aproape de celalalt bloc), cam pe la acelasi etaj, un geam deschis. Bun, i-o fi omului cald. Da' nu frate. Adica sigur ii era cald, da' stiti de ce?

Omu' viziona incantat una bucata pornache. Si o freca de zor. Cu sarg. Cu geamu' deschis, sa-l vada lumea.

Dom'ne, intelegem, hormonu'-i hormon, da' mai usor cu reprezentatiile cu public. Parol.

luni, 12 octombrie 2009


If I were a month, i would be... October
If I were a week day, i would be... Friday
If I were a part of the day, i would be... the darkest our of the night
If I were a sea animal, i would be... a dolphin
If I were a direction, i would be... straight ahead (and never look back)
If I were a virtue, i would be... loialty
If i were a historic personality, i would be... Alexander the Great
If I were a planet, i would be... Pluto
If i were a liquid, i would be... water
If I were a stone, i would be... onyx
If I were a bird, i would be... a nightingale
If I were a flower, i would be... lily of the valley
If I were a type of weather, i would be... Edgar Allan Poe-ish weather
If I were a musical instrument, i would be... a piano
If I were an emotion, i would be... sadness
If I were a sound, i would be... the heartbeat
If I were an element, i would be... air
If I were a song, i would be... October and April (Rasmus feat Anette Olzon)
If I were a movie, i would be... Sleepy Hollow
If I were a book, i would be... Empire Falls by Richard Russo
If I were a type of food, i would be... Fish something.
If I were a city, i would be... Busteni.
If I were a taste, i would be... Bittersweet
If I were a flavour, i would be... chocolate
If I were a colour, i would be... red
If I were a fabric, i would be... silk
If i were a word, i would be... faithfulness
If I were a part of the body, i would be... an eye
If I were a facial expression, i would be.. a bitter smile
If I were a school subject, i would be... History
If I were a cartoon character, i would be... The Beast
If I were a form, i would be... A Circle
If I were a number, i would be... 5
If I were a form of transport, i would be... A subway
If I were a piece of clothing, i would be... A long scarf

luni, 5 octombrie 2009

Eternul masculin

Cumva opus fata de ultimul post, azi, in Cismigiu, pe unul din poduri (nu ala cu nuci, celalalt. Al carui nume nu-l stiu). Pe sub pod trecea o barca.

Ea vaslea de zor. El, cu mainile incrucisate peste piept, admira.

PS: dixit Ralu "I can bet ca asta o sa apara pe blogul tau". No, really?

joi, 1 octombrie 2009

Eternul feminin

Tot din Gara de Nord.

El, cu un rucsac enorm in spate si o sacosa vizibil grea intr-o mana.
Ea, cu un rucsacel in care nu-ti intra un caiet studentesc, si o sacosa nu tocmai mare (dar aparent destul de grea) in mana.

Ea, plina de tandrete, catre el: "Vrei sa te ajut? Uite, echilibreaza-te!" Si ii pune sacosa ei in mana cealalta.

Ce sa mai zici? Am ras