luni, 13 septembrie 2010

Haha.. traim in democratie

Traiasca democratia? Adica aia din Romania?...
Bun, cu prima intrebare ma inteleg.. problema e atunci cand adaugi sintagma "Tara Prostilor, Coruptilor si Manipulatorilor", adica, pe scurt, Romania.

Azi am citit o chestie tare draguta in una din ordonantele de urgenta date anul asta de guvern. (e vorba de OUG 50/2010)...
Cica:  In cazul modificarilor impuse prin legislatie, nesemnarea de catre consumator a actelor aditionale prevazute la alin. (1) este considerata acceptare tacita. 
Adica lasa-ma sa inteleg mai bine. Eu primesc un act de la banca.. si vad acolo ca aia ma pun sa semnez ca le dau de 2 ori mai multi bani decat ar trebui si mai stiu eu ce.. 
Si am 2 variante:
1. Semnez si is mancat, platesc pana imi sar ochii din cap.
2. NU semnez si se considera ca is de acord, si iar platesc pana imi sar ochii din cap.. 
Mai exact, sunt sau nu de acord cu ceva, nu pot face nimic, ca asa au hotarat niste tampiti din Guvern. 

Asta parca ar fi din categoria Adolescenti, sectia 15-17 ani: "Daca zice Nu, inseamna defapt Da.."
Un NU e un NU domnilor, invatati sa respectati democratia aia pentru care cica ati luptat in '89.

vineri, 3 septembrie 2010

if books were boyfriends.. (versiunea 2.0)

La cerere, si inspirata de postul Morannei, pun si versiunea mea.. Here goes:

Mircea Eliade's books - eternal love

Octavian Paler's books - the guy that changed my life starting with his first kiss

Pe culmile disperarii - Emil Cioran - the guy I dated when I was younger just because he used to be so damn popular

Do androids dream of electric sheep? - Philip K Dick - the weirdo that got me fascinated at our first date

Tunelul - Ernesto Sabato - the psycho I fell in love with when I was depressed

J.R.R. Tolkien's books - the perfect guy that I went out with for quite a while. To be more precise, until he started to obsess me with dogs. Though, I still enjoy meeting him from time to time.

Vampirul Armand - Anne Rice - the hot guy from the senior class that I met in High School and hooked up with at a party

John Saul's horrors - the extreme kid that I loved hanging out with when I was 15

Adela - G. Braileanu - the older guy that I've been dying to meet and whom, in the end, couln't reach my expectations

Ciresarii - C. Chirita - I really loved him when I was little. And I enjoy thinking about him now.

Dracula - Bram Stoker - the guy who always thought "he knew better".. well, he didn't.. and no, I didn't like him..

Calvarul, Anna karenina - Tolstoi - the smart guy I've always liked, but couldn't entirely understand

Magicianul - John Fowles - the guy that got me in the adventure of my life

Twilight - Stephenie Meyer - sorry dear, you're the worst kisser ever

Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux - the aristocrat that got me at one of my best dates ever

Lorelei - Ionel Teodoreanu - I loved that guy and I really wish our relation lasted longer

Notre Dame de Paris - V. Hugo - the guy that captivated me with his way of seeing things and living emotions